We are excited to announce that Byzantine API Gateway has been renamed the
Keyhole Fabric API Gateway.
With this release, new features have been added to include performance improvements with connection pooling and the addition of a usage instruction directory.
Learn more about Keyhole Fabric API Gateway by visiting its product page
here or by visiting its code on Github
Hyperledger is hosted by The Linux Foundation. Keyhole is a proponent of promoting the open-source blockchain community, which is why it is also the official sponsor of
Hyperledger Kansas City hosting monthly learning meetups. Join us at the next meetup!
About Keyhole Fabric API Gateway
Keyhole Fabric API Gateway is an open-source tool used to provide access to Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) blockchain networks and its data via an API gateway implementation.
The gateway provides RESTful HTTP-based endpoints that access HLF network peers using the FABRIC-NODE-SDK. It is implemented with Node.js and uses the Express framework.Two types of API authentication validation schemes that can be applied, token-based or a session-based validation scheme. Example implementations are provided for both.
Learn more about Keyhole Fabric API Gateway by visiting its product site
here or its code on Github
Why Use Keyhole Fabric API Gateway?
- Useful for executing Chaincode and Smart Contracts.
- Useful for querying the blockchain by client applications.
- Authentication logic and validation can be performed here.
- Implements a web socket to listen for new blocks being added to the blockchain.